Author: N / A
Created: 19th century.
Material / technique: oil on canvas; wood carving (wooden inlays).
Dimensions: 48x34 cm.
The Holy Trinity is the main church dogma of one God in three persons. God the Father is the original source of the whole divinity. God the Son is an image or Word expressing the Father. God the Holy Spirit is a bond connecting the Father and the Son. It is invisible and can only be felt like wind, which blows wherever it wills, but you do not know whence it comes or whither it goes. When the Father created the world, He created it through His Word, with His Spirit.
God the Father is depicted as an old man, with a long beard and a triangular halo above His head. He is leaning against the globe, blessing with His right hand and touching the globe on the top with his right hand. God the Son usually holds a cross with His right hand and has His left hand on the chest. The Holy Spirit radiates rays of light and flies over the heads in the form of a dove. In the paintings The Holy Trinity and Revelation it symbolises wisdom, mind, good counsel, strength, knowledge, docility and godliness. In Christian iconography, the Holy Trinity is also symbolically represented as an eye in a triangle and is called Providence; the eye of Providence is a symbol of omniscience, vigilance and the constant care of God.
So dressed [Jesus Christ] began preaching His divine teaching. He revealed to the people about one Lord, the God Creator of all things, but in three persons, which are called God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. That all these persons have the same power and divinity. That God the Father does not come from anyone, that the Son of God was born through God the Father, and that the Most Holy Spirit comes from God the Father and God the Son. That the Son of God, being God through ages since the beginning became a human body and soul in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and was born both God and man. (Motiejus Valančius, „Pradžia ir išsiplėtimas katalikų tikėjimo“ Raštai 3, p. 579)