Author: N / A
Title: Ziwatas Pona Yr Diewa Musu Jezusa Christusa, Tay Ira, Kielas Yszganima Kuriuw Ponas yszganitoies yr Atpyrktoies musu Jezus Christus, Pry ateyima sawa ant swieta diel Atpyrkyma yr yszwałnynyma, ysz maces sietona Gynymes źmoniu, budamas Kaypo patis świećiyiesz. Joan. 14. Kiełas, Teysibe, Yr Giwenymas Mumis y Dangu wede, moki, yr atgide, Pagal Historyiu Ewangelistu Swętuiu, Par S. Bonawentura Zokana Brolu mażieśnuiu Szwęta Franciszkaws, Daktara Seraficka, Biskupa, Albanskas, Kardynoła Bażnicies Szwętos Rima, Par nabożna Atmynyma yr uwoga Taiemniciu Diewa, gieray tykyntyms Pona Christusa diel pażitka Duchawna, yr kasdienay swętabliwos zabowas Aprasitas. Metusy Pona 1753.
Title in English: Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ, that is, the Way to Salvation Through Which Our Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ Through His Coming into the World for the Redemption and Absolution Will Beat the Evil of Mankind, by being the Most Righteous. John 14. The Way and the Truth and the Life Led Us to Heaven, Taught and Healed us, According to the History of the Holy Evangelists, through Saint Bonaventure of the Order of Friars Minor of Saint Francis, the Seraphic Doctor, Bishop of Alban, Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church […] In the Year of the Lord 1753.
Published: Drukarnie J.K.M yr KK. BB Kasztu yr Jusupa Ragauska, Metusy Pona, 1787.
Life of Our Lord and God Jesus Christ is the Lithuanian translation of the work Vita Christi by the Italian Franciscan, theologian, and Cardinal Bonaventure (Giovanni di Fidanza, ~1221–1274), who was proclaimed a saint in the 15th century. The translator is unknown; printing was financed by Juozapas Ragauskas, and the book was printed in the Basilian monks’ printing house in Supraśl, which operated in 1695-1803. It mostly published liturgical literature.
Reference: "The Collection of Lawyer Jaunius Gumbis: the Past Preserved in Books". Museum and Collector - 7. Vilnius: National Museum of Lithuania, 2018, p. 100.
Published: "The Collection of Lawyer Jaunius Gumbis: the Past Preserved in Books". Museum and Collector - 7. Vilnius: National Museum of Lithuania, 2018, p. 100-101.