Author: Braždys Antanas, 1939 - 2022
Created: early 21th century.
Material / technique: bronze.
Dimensions: 215.00 x 96.00 x 96.00 cm.
Antanas Braždys was born in 1939. He grew up in the family of architect Antanas and choreographer Leokadija Braždžiai. In 1944, after his family moved from Lithuania to the West, A. Braždys grew up in a Lithuanian refugee camp in Germany and then in 1947 he travelled to the US. A. Braždys studied at Oxford Gymnasium in Ohio. From 1956 to 1961 he studied sculpture at the Art Institute of Chicago. Since 1961 A. Braždys lives in Great Britain, initially in London and now in Tewkesbury. From 1961 to 1962 he continued his studies at the Royal College of Art in London, receiving the Sainbury Prize a year later. From 1963 to 1965 he sbecame as a lecturer there, and later taught sculpture at Gloucester College of Art, and is currently a freelance artist. In 1978, works of A. Braždys attracted considerable attention in London, when they were presented at a group sculpture exhibition at the Harlow Art Gallery. After winning a competition for young artists published by The Sunday Times, he created a sculpture entitled "Ritual" (1968-1969), which was staged in London, opposite Woolgate House. His other sculpture adorned the gate of the British Pavilion at the Expo-1970 World Exhibition in Osaka, Japan, which was later purchased by the Leicestershire Graphic Education Committee and stands in front of that institution's palace. His work “Echo” was staged at Harlow City Park (1973) and “High Flying” decorated the theater in that same city. Many of his works are in private collections in the United Kingdom and the United States.
A.Braždys creates structural abstractionist sculptures of welded stainless steel. His early works were blackened, then evolved into having a glossy polished surface and sophisticated three-dimensional shapes that give the impression of extraordinary lightness. Sculptures often have asymmetrical shapes, they do not lack the feeling of dynamics, but retain an ascetic impression, modest elegance and finiteness nonetheless.
Source: Antanas Braždys. Anykštėnai
Published: compilar R. Andriušytė-Žukienė "Redirected 2. Lithuanian and Litvak graphics, sculpture, photography, contemporary art in the collection of the Lithuanian Diaspora Art Foundation" Vilnius: Lewben Art Foundation, Lithuanian Diaspora Art Foundation, VšĮ "Šiaurės Jeruzalė"(„Peradresuota 2. Lietuvių ir litvakų grafika, skulptūra, fotografija, šiuolaikinis menas Lietuvos išeivijos dailės fondo kolekcijoje” Vilnius: Lewben Art Foundation, Lietuvos išeivijos dailės fondas, VšĮ „Šiaurės Jeruzalė“), 2017 P. 62; “The Art of Materials”, The art collection of the law firm “Ellex Valiunas”. Compiled by Jurgita Ludavičienė, Vilnius, 2024, P. 154.